Proposal for a 28th Amendment? 
Is it Possible to Amend an Unequal System? 

Queens Museum
Proposal for a 28th Amendment? Is it Possible to Amend an Unequal System?, collaboration with Alex Strada 2021- (Queens iteration 2021-2022), participatory installation with sonic soapbox sculptures, recording booth, evolving oral archive, six 4K videos, and five 60x120” canvas banners, Queens Museum, Flushing, NY

Proposal for a 28th Amendment? Is it Possible to Amend an Unequal System? is an iterative participatory installation made in collaboration with Alex Strada that was initially on view at the Queens Museum. This evolving work critically examines the U.S. Constitution through listening, recording, and intervening. Central to the installation are sonic soapbox sculptures that build upon the history of the soapbox as a site of collective struggle while emphasizing listening, mutuality, and access. These sculptures emit a growing oral archive of responses to the project’s questions recorded by past visitors using the installation’s recording booth. Videos depict the hands of legal scholars as they unpack, mark up, and redact the U.S. Constitution.

The installation is activated through public workshops organized with local community partners and legal scholars. Collaborators for the Queens iteration included Malikah; Guardians of Flushing Bay; New New Yorkers; Queens Teens; Dream Defenders; CUNY Law Professors Charisa Kiyô Smith, Julia Hernandez, Rebecca Bratspies, and Cindy SooHoo; Harry Wallace, Lawyer and Chief of the Unkechaug Indian Nation; lawyer and scholar Derecka Purnell; and activist and scholar nyle fort. These gatherings bring people together to collectively consider, question, and debate systemic repair, radical change, and abolition to imagine more equitable futures.

Documentation from: We the People? /¿Nosotrxs la gente? With CUNY Law Proffesor Julia Hernandes. More information about the workshop is available here

Documentation from: We the People? /¿Nosotrxs la gente? With CUNY Law Proffesor Julia Hernandes. More information about the workshop is available here

Defending Our Bodily Autonomy in a Broken System: Reproductive Justice, Self-Defense, and Community Care. A two part workshop with  CUNY Law Professor Cynthia Soohoo, and a hands-on self-defense workshop, led by Deena Hadhoud of Malikah. More information about the workshop is available here

Defending Our Bodily Autonomy in a Broken System: Reproductive Justice, Self-Defense, and Community Care. A two part workshop with  CUNY Law Professor Cynthia Soohoo, and a hands-on self-defense workshop, led by Deena Hadhoud of Malikah. More information about the workshop is available here

Proposal for a 28th Amendment? 
Is it Possible to Amend an Unequal System?

Public Workshops:

Queens Museum: 
“Defending Our Bodily Autonomy in a Broken System: Reproductive Justice, Self-Defense, and Community Care”, with MALIKAH, CUNY Law Professor Cindy SooHoo, and Alex Strada

“We the People? Nosotrxs la Gente?, with New New Yorkers and CUNY Law Professor Julia Hernandez and Alex Strada

“ Call to Care: Protecting Flushing Creek through the Rights of Nature”, with Guardians of Flushing Bay, Tecumseh Cesar, lawyer Chief Harry Wallace, CUNY Law Professor Rebecca Bratspies, and Alex Strada

Healing Justice at the Queens Museum, with MALIKAH and Alex Strada

Teen Power: Political Futures, with Queens Teens, CUNY Law Professor Charisa Kiyô Smith and Alex Strada

“Constituting Community: Dreaming and Constitutional Abolition in Honor of Trayvon Martin’s Life”, with Nailah Summers of the Dream Defenders, lawyer and organizer Derecka Purnell, scholar Nyle Fort, and Alex Strada

If Housing was a Human Right in U.S. Law, with Moms 4 Housing founde Dominique Walker, ACCE legal director Leah Simon-Weisberg, and Alex Strada.

Voices from the Past | Voices from the Present, with UC Berkeley law professo Khiara M. Bridges and Alex Strada, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
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